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Bulloch Criminal Attorney

Jack Downie, a Bulloch County, Georgia criminal defence attorney, wants you to be aware of your rights if you are stopped or investigated by the police. While most of us have seen the Miranda Warning on television, not everyone understands how those rights apply when speaking with law officers. The Miranda Warning must only be read to you by police officers while you are in custody and being questioned. If you are not yet in jail, the cops can ask you whatever they want. Officers have been known to purposefully postpone arresting someone who is actively answering questions in order to avoid having to Mirandize them, despite the fact that they fully intend to arrest them as soon as the conversation finishes.

Police officers are thoroughly trained in how to collect information from a suspect and guarantee that talks are admissible in court. However, most civilians are not prepared to defend themselves against complicated, manipulative, or simply dishonest police questioning. While it is typically illegal to lie to the police, most jurisdictions allow the police to lie to you in order to gain a confession or evidence of guilt. There have been numerous examples across the country in which police gained confessions by lying to suspects, resulting in erroneous convictions. Many of these people spent years in prison before being freed.

When the police begin asking you or even invite you to come in for interrogation, do not assume they are being truthful about the information they provide, especially if they hint or openly indicate that they know certain details about the case. The first thing you should do is contact Bulloch County, GA criminal defence attorney Jack Downie.

Jack Downie can assist you with recording the officer’s questioning and advising you on whether or not to comply with the inquiry. Being innocent does not imply you should comply. Deceptive police questioning has resulted in the conviction and imprisonment of innocent persons over the years. Police are trained to ask enquiries that would subsequently incriminate you in court. While this does not imply that they are trained to get false confessions, their advanced interrogation techniques can occasionally result in false confessions and erroneous convictions, especially when applied to innocent people.

Never speak with the authorities or anyone else about a crime you are accused of committing without first consulting Bulloch County, GA criminal defence attorney Jack Downie. Anything you say will be interpreted by a variety of individuals, including judges and juries, and you will have little or no opportunity to adequately clarify your understanding of the officer’s questions or your intended meaning in court. Contact Jack Downie today for a private case evaluation.