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Juvenile Laws

Juvenile Law

Criminal Defense

Georgia Juvenile Laws

At Downie Law, LLC, we understand the complexities of Georgia’s juvenile laws and the significant impact they can have on a child’s future. In Georgia, individuals are considered adults for criminal prosecution purposes at age 17, while the minimum age for criminal responsibility is 13, as outlined in O.C.G.A. §16-3-1. The intricacies of juvenile laws differ greatly from those governing adults, making it crucial to have an experienced Georgia Juvenile Lawyer by your side.

Juvenile Legal Topics We Handle:

  • Affray Charges: In Georgia juvenile courts, affray charges arise when multiple individuals engage in a public fight. Consequences may include probation, counseling, fines, and community service.
  • Designated Felonies: Severe crimes classified as designated felonies are categorized into Class A and Class B, both demanding expert legal defense.
  • Disrupting a Public School: Charges of disrupting a public school often arise after the school system’s resolution efforts fail, and can involve interference with a school bus or stop.
  • Juvenile Court Procedures: Juvenile court has unique steps and procedures distinct from superior and magistrate courts. Our expertise ensures your child’s case is handled with the utmost care.
  • Juvenile Search and Seizure: The Fourth Amendment protects juveniles from unlawful searches. Illegally obtained evidence can be suppressed with the right legal strategy.
  • Interrogation of Minors: Ensure that your child’s interrogation was conducted legally to prevent inadmissible statements in court. Even confessions require thorough legal examination.
  • Juvenile DUI: Georgia law imposes a stricter BAC limit on individuals under 21, making skilled legal defense crucial in juvenile DUI cases.
  • Juvenile Gang Crimes: Gang-related violations are treated seriously, classified as designated felonies. A Class A Designated Felony adjudication can result in up to 5 years in juvenile detention.
  • Juvenile Traffic Violations: Juvenile courts oversee all cases involving individuals under 17, including traffic violations. The consequences, though often underestimated, can be severe.
  • Marijuana Cases: Despite growing acceptance, marijuana possession remains illegal in Georgia, and juvenile convictions carry serious repercussions.
  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol: Defending against these charges requires a deep understanding of Georgia law and the nuances of knowing possession.
  • Possession of a Weapon in School Zones: Bringing a weapon into a school safety zone is a serious offense with severe punishments, requiring immediate legal intervention.
  • Sealing Juvenile Records: Juveniles adjudicated delinquent may petition to seal their records post-probation or supervision, subject to judicial discretion.
  • Superior Court Jurisdiction over Juveniles: Under certain conditions, juveniles may be tried as adults in Superior Court, especially for serious crimes like murder or aggravated assault.
  • Unruly, Truancy, and Runaway Cases: Known as CHINS (Child In Need of Services), these cases involve behaviors that are not criminal but still require legal attention.
  • Adult Prosecution of Juveniles: Serious offenses can lead to adult prosecution, including murder, rape, and armed robbery. Prosecutors may petition for discretionary transfer for certain cases.
  • Unruly and Delinquent: Juveniles are adjudicated as unruly or delinquent, not guilty of crimes. Understanding the distinctions and consequences is vital for proper defense.
  • Juvenile Records and Adult Criminal Records: Juvenile records aren’t automatically sealed; however, juveniles may petition for sealing post-supervision and discharge.

Contact Us

Juvenile proceedings can have long-lasting consequences. At Downie Law, LLC, we are committed to defending your child’s rights and future. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the complexities of Georgia’s juvenile laws. Contact our Vidalia office today for a free case evaluation. (912) 537-9265 or 

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