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Wheeler Criminal Attorney

It is the State’s responsibility to prove a criminal case. To find you guilty of a crime, they must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that you broke each and every provision of the law. Direct evidence or indirect evidence may be used as this proof. A fact finder must draw the conclusion that, given the truth of one item, the other must also be true in the case of circumstantial evidence. If the fact finder discovers, for example, that you cashed a murder victim’s check notwithstanding your denial of knowing the victim and you have no other reason to have the check, the fact finder may conclude that you got the check from the victim when you killed him. You do, of course, have the right to silence and to consult with legal counsel before speaking with the police. Circumstantial evidence serves as the foundation for many legal cases.

Evidence that tends to establish your guilt of a crime is known as direct evidence, and it doesn’t require the fact finder to draw any conclusions from it. Witness testimony is arguably the most prevalent type of direct evidence. Assume, using the fact pattern from the previous paragraph, that you are seen killing the victim and taking the check out of their wallet by a witness who comes forward to testify. The proof that you later cashed the check on is circumstantial evidence, which supports the direct evidence provided by the witness.

Both sides must plan appropriate legal defenses, counterarguments, and other tactical techniques to employ in order to present and defend their respective versions of events during the criminal trial preparation phase. Even though direct evidence is typically regarded as the most trustworthy type of evidence, juries and judges may be greatly persuaded by indirect evidence.

For a free and confidential case evaluation, get in touch with Jack Downie if you need a criminal defense lawyer in Wheeler County, Georgia to help you fight any misdemeanor or criminal charge in local, state, or federal court. Careful examination of the case’s facts and expert, experienced defense strategy are necessary to determine what kind of evidence is most likely to be utilized against you and what kind to offer. Nearly instantly following a crime, tangible evidence in a criminal case starts to fade and vanish. Our chances of successfully defending you against a criminal charge increase with the time you call.